Some Yarns Problem About Tufting

1,Some strands just poke out while tufting a line.

Description: It always happens between two looped stitches, but there’s no skipped stitch or visible gap afterward?

Sometimes it doesn't happen at all, and other times, like in this case (see photos), it's extreme and I can’t seem to figure out what’s causing it.

Here’s what I’ve tried:

I restretched the frame again to ensure it’s nice and tight, but oddly, the problem got even worse and this happens after I tufted on a drum tight frame.

My yarn flow remains consistent, and I’m using zero tension on the same yarn.

I’ve noticed this problem happens way more often since I switched to the AK-V tufting gun, but I really like this gun and want to fix this problem.

Analysis: this happens occasionally when your scissors go through the cloth and catch a piece of yarn that has already been tufted and pulls it back through to the other side.

Yarn feeding. When your gun takes and pushes yarn trough the canvas it pulls along new yarn through the needle this yarn/wool can get "stuck" on anything sometimes in the canvas, in the gun needle or just in itself. The fibers from the yarn sometimes have hooks and those like to catch onto something this might cause a inpropper feed and not fully feed like other strands. Ive seen this alot on my rugs aswell then i switched yarn and it happend less. I tested it with 1 strand of yarn and it barely happens (obviously 1 strand gives us other problems)

It looks as if there is a scissor issue with your tufting gun if you’re saying it’s only with this gun in particular it doesn’t make sense that it’s a fabric or yarn issue (all though some brands of yarn are more prone to this like bernat) if it’s in your wheel house try replacing the scissors

Solutions: switch yarn or replace scissor or change tufting gun. Do you have a good idea?


2,Yarn not going all the way into the tufting cloth

Description: I've gone through all the troubleshooting I can find on this sub and various YouTube channels, and I am still struggling. This is with a new golden spider tufting gun — any suggestions would be appreciated. Sorry this is long, but I'm trying to lay out all the troubleshooting I've tried:

The tufting cloth is pulled as tight as I could get it. I adjusted the closure of the scissors to ensure they fully closed. I also adjusted the foot to ensure the needle extended fully into the fabric. But I **still** can't get the yarn not to make these weird loops on the back.

I think the scissors are still not always cutting the yarn and it seems to sometimes get stuck in the scissors so it jams and bunches and/or pulls out of the fabric. The issue seems to lessen with the super cheap dollar-store acrylic yarn (black in the picture), though it still occasionally happened, especially when I used two strands at once. But it's **TERRIBLE** with the recycled polyester yarn (lavender color in the image). Barely anything goes into the fabric.

I'm fairly new to tufting but have successfully tufted using guns in art classes, so I understand you need to have even pressure on the gun and push it entirely into the fabric.

Analysis: very soft yarn isn't great to work with. I find it doesn't hold in the cloth as well. But also, what is your yarn feed system like? Is your yarn free flowing with very little tension?

I think this yarn in particular (the brand, or maybe even just this color or dye lot) is a lot softer. I think it's just the recycled yarn, not the gun.

Solutions: try using different types of yarns to see if the problem was gone, if not, change a tuftingg gun to see if it is the reason. 

Do you have a good idea? welcome share you remarks.


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