What Angle If Carving on Frame?

Question: I‘d like to try out carving on the frame to minimize trimming. At what angle do you trim on the frame? 45° or 90°, or even something else? What do you prefer, scissor or trimmer?

1#Suggestion: 90. I don't think it's wise to bevel carve on frame unless you have all your colours tufted and it's a straight line.I think it's easier to bevel on the floor.
And I use a mix of scissors and trimmer. Sometimes my trimmer doesn't reach when I'm up against the frame. And sometimes scissors are just safer.

2#Suggestion: Keep the trimmer parallel to the cloth so you dont accidentally cut it , the sides of the trimmer dont move so you dont have to worry about tearing it.

Hope this blog can help you, and welcome share your idea by comment !

#Tufting #Rug making #Rug tufting

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