How Do I Get My Yarn to Stop Cutting When Tufting?

Tips1: Keep a lot of slack in your yarn it doesn’t take much resistance to pull it out of your tufting gun.

Tips2: I tired making the balls into cakes and still had this happen, so now I just pull extra to work with, it really cuts down on this, and I would much rather pull more yarn every few rows than thread the gun after every row.

Tips3: Pulling out from the gun? You running 2 strands? If so there’s too much pressure pulling the yarn in the other direction. Either pull a bunch out then tuft and repeat. Or rewind you rolls into smaller cakes. After I started rolling into smaller cakes have never had an issue after that.

If you have better ideas, please share it on comment, and hope this can be helpful for you tufters!

#tufting #tufting yarn

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