What Is The Advantage to Using More Strands For Tufting?

1,It’s for quality. It gives the rugs a dense full feel. Some cases call for 3 or 4 strands. It’s all about the customer and not the “using twice as much material” theory. Using the material should’ve been in the cost already anyways.

2,The rug will not be full if using just one strand. Yes you will use twice as much but it’s worth it, the final result will be much better quality and not feel or look ”cheap”.

3,I used the three strands because it makes the rug more plush when you step on it. It doesn’t just fall flat.
Plus when you’re doing detail details and carving them out later you’ll get solid lines rather than Janky lines.

4,Thicker line, helps with hiding the primary. Some people use 3-4 as well.I use 2 throughout & 3 on the boarder.

5,When I run one strand, the yarn tends to pull out of the gun more often once I stop tufting. Even on a loose skein, which is annoying AF.

6,One strand is pointless and I tried basically ending up making multiple passes to thick up my lines make it look more appealing. When I used the 2+ strand, I can get different colors together for effects and it looks fuller. I also noticed less time consuming because one strand stayed popping out,its annoying plus one night I went to sleep because it kept popping out with one strand bruh I was mad af at life.

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